Louise H Connolly MD
A different kind of medical practice
310 372-4706
How do I get started?
Just call our office at 310 372-4706 for an appointment. Intake forms can be filled out online (click get started) prior to your visit. If you wish to fill them out in the office please come 15 minutes early. Please bring a list of all supplements and medications you are currently as well as your most recent blood work. Ultrasound reports, Pap smear results are helpful especially if abnormal.
In filling out your intake history, please take the following into consideration. I would like to make your life a little better, not just do your pap smear. Consider what your top 2 or 3 priorities are. List them!
If you want true preventive medicine, your genetic risks are very important. Thus I need to know your family history especially if you are over 35. A complete list of health problems here, at least 2 if not three generations, will expand and augment your experience. Include siblings, parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents to the best of your knowledge. The AGE at which someone got sick is very important. For example, if your dad had a heart attack at 40, that’s much different than having a heart attack at 100 and playing golf at 99!
How do I get to your office?
The address is 520 N Prospect Ave Suite 204. For the google map click get started. Prospect parallels the shoreline in Redondo Beach approximately one mile inland. Some internet maps give wrong directions on Prospect. Our office complex is South of 190th and North of Torrance Blvd. There is plenty of convenient free parking both underneath the office complex and around it.
What are your hours?
We are here weekdays 9:00 through 5:30. Blood draws start at 9:15. Specialty blood work is best drawn Monday through Wednesday as it needs to be shipped to the East Coast. Regular blood work can be performed throughout the day. Appointments with Dr Connolly start at 10. We take one afternoon off a week and may not be in the office if Dr Connolly has surgery.
What types of insurance do you take?
We accept employer provided PPO insurance, Medicare, Tricare, and cash. We do NOT accept Affordable Care Act (Obama care) purchased through the California exchange. We do NOT accept HMO insurance or Medicare recipients who have opted to join a Medicare HMO.
How do I get a prescription refill?
Please have your pharmacy fax us your refill request. The fax number is (310) 798-7328. This process may take 48 to 72 hours so please plan ahead. Calls for OFF hour refills will incur a $25.00 charge. Weekend UTI’s and yeast infections should be properly diagnosed in minute or urgent care clinics, NOT called on the emergency line.
Can I keep my regular doctor and see Dr Connolly too?
Please do! And keep your acupuncturist and chiropractor. We all have a piece of the puzzle. I hope you will share their wisdom with me. Bring me their records!
How do I get my results?
Complex test results require an office visit, explanation, and guidance. Otherwise they will not be fully understood and the benefit will be lost. Simple normal results will be reviewed by Dr Connolly and you will get a card in the mail applauding your excellent health. Of course, copies of any results will be furnished upon request. I encourage your involvement!
Can I pay her and get my results over the phone?
NO! This has never, never worked. People don’t hear or understand what I have to say over the phone. They don’t get the message, the reception is spotty, they are driving or multitasking at the same time, they forget. Besides, I always have suggestions of what to take or what to do to make things better, usually in a file folder with a copy for you. I also explain things with visual aids, showing you what is going on. I understand, I wish it would work but it just doesn’t.