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From the Sea: Omega 3's to Resolvins

RESOLVINS, MARESINS, LIPOXINS, PROTECTINS Help for your Aches and Pains The Ultimate Omega 3’s: EPA & DHA Fish and Fish Oil: What a...

Dampening Inflammation

Let's move on to dampening inflammation. Enough about stinky elevators and broccoli haters. Collagen and sulfur is like a shot of...

Building it Back: What your Joint Needs

Integrative Medicine for Arthritis First, does your body have enough basic building blocks to repair your joint? Maybe not. I'll go...

Pain Relief Potpourri

. Quell and other TEMS machines. TEMS machines interrupt the vicious cycle of pain radiating up the nerve from the sore spot, into the...

Pain Relief

SOME LIKE IT HOT No this is not a post about peas porridge. And no, it's not about Marilyn Monroe's wonderful movie. It's about three...

The State of Your Plate

WHAT TO FEED YOUR BODY TO DECREASE YOUR PAIN NO !!! Would you feed these to your best friend? Your body should be your best friend! Your...

What's New in Treating Chronic Pain?

DIET AND EXERCISE Not that old hack again you groan, wondering why in the world you even bother to read this post. What do doctors ALWAYS...

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A different kind of medicine  

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