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“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” Charles M. Schultz Aaahhhh Chocolate! Don't you love it? ...


I love coffee. Love it!! And it's not a guilty pleasure. Even four cups of it. I'm here to tell you it's good for you. Ummm, I think. ...

Blueberries Almonds & Red Wine

FOOD FOR YOUR BRAIN Can you believe it? It's too good to be true. Some of your favorite foods can be doubly good for you! Nourish you...

Why Chose Me?

There are certainly younger, charismatic, faster practitioners around. So why? WARNING, WHAT FOLLOWS IS A BIG BRAG!! Because I'm worth...

Feeling Depressed? Try this Probiotic

I sell this. It's a patented very specific probiotic blend which can make life just a little bit brighter. Here's the proof. Why not try...

From the Sea: Omega 3's to Resolvins

RESOLVINS, MARESINS, LIPOXINS, PROTECTINS Help for your Aches and Pains The Ultimate Omega 3’s: EPA & DHA Fish and Fish Oil: What a...

Cannabis - CBD from Hemp

I have received so many questions from all of you about Cannabis that I thought it deserved a post of its own. I'll try to clarify...

Cannabis, Kava, and Kratom

HOPE,HYPE, AND PROMISE Cannabinoids: CBD and Marijuana Cannabis has been in medical literature for over 5,000 years! That's a long time....

Too Little Feel Good

Endorphin, Enkephalon, and Endocannabinoid Deficiency And What You Can Do About It Yes you can dampen a pain signal, numb the nerve with...

NMDA Receptor: The Drugs

NMDA receptor antagonist drugs definitely have a place in controlling chronic pain. But my goodness, we haven't found the right one yet!...

Treating Central Sensitivity Syndromes

Fix Your Blood Brain Barrier Then Soothe and Nourish Your Microglia The famous blood brain barrier Here's the unifying concept here. ...

Central Sensitivity Syndromes:

SOME CLUES, SOME ANSWERS Have you forgotten? I'm talking about the pains doctors can't see. Fibromyalgia, TMJ, Irritable Bowel Syndrome,...

Pains Doctors Can't See

Yes, we doctors tend to do well with those aches and pains we can see. There, on X-ray says the chiropractor, on ultrasound says the...

Beyond Toothpaste

Fiji, Westin Price, and Your Mother I recently went Scuba Diving in Fiji. A dental missionary group was staying in our resort, relaxing...


Why an article about toothpaste? What's the big deal anyway? Just like all doctors preach "diet and exercise", all dentists preach...

Gift of the Magi

The Three Kings and their gift have always fascinated me. In turn, this wonderful story reminds me that Christmas is about the birth of a...

Integrated Help for your Nerve Pain

THE SUPPLEMENTS This pain is not primarily from the bones, cartilage, or ligaments, this is about pain from the nerve itself, and...

Dampening Inflammation

Let's move on to dampening inflammation. Enough about stinky elevators and broccoli haters. Collagen and sulfur is like a shot of...

Building it Back: What your Joint Needs

Integrative Medicine for Arthritis First, does your body have enough basic building blocks to repair your joint? Maybe not. I'll go...

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A different kind of medicine  

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